domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

In the fall

Y después de un largo puente, mañana es lunes...

In The Fall from Steve Cutts on Vimeo.

Aquí os dejo la web del autor.
Por si queréis echarle un vistazo a sus sketches, animaciones, ilustraciones...

IKEA “The World’s most liked Showroom”

IKEA "The world's most liked showroom" from Jeena van der Heul on Vimeo.

The world’s most liked showroom is where IKEA displays the world’s most liked items. 
By enabling people to like items for each living space, IKEA displays the most liked items in a virtual showroom. Based on the most liked items, IKEA gives away discounts. 

Mill Touch

Mill Touch 'Behind the Scenes' from The Mill Visual Effects Studio on Vimeo.